South High School, winner of the 2013 MVP Award shares, why they decided to support the I Give for Team DPS employee giving campaign.

South High School (43)“Outside of our competitive spirit and the encouraging emails from team captain Karen to participate in the campaign, we are all team players for DPS. We believe in the DPS Foundation and we know the money comes right back to support our students and that’s the biggest part. Our schools are in need of funding for many really great things that make a big difference to our students. Our contributions expand proven programs that engage our students and help them succeed. A few examples:

  • The A to Z Funds allows our students a chance to travel and funding for unique ideas that might not happen without the monetary support.
  • Afterschool programs help middle school students thrive, so when they come to South they are set up for success.
  • Prep League is an invaluable athletics program that keeps kids in school and helps motivate them to pass classes.

South High School Postcard PhotoWe believe in DPS and we love working for the district, it’s the best place for our students. Our team was happy to give to I Give for Team DPS. We believe in putting our students first. We know that students who are engaged do better academically and socially. Our contribution is to a larger goal which includes educating the whole child and expanding options for our students. The campaign puts money into one place which then, in turn, gives a lot of support to our students. That being said, why wouldn’t we want to give to support our incredible students?! ”