$1 Million Fund FAQ

Want to be "in the know" about the $1 Million Fund? Check below for details!

8How much grant money can our school apply for?

The $1 Million Fund will award grants up to $150,000 per school to DPS schools over a three-year grant period.

Are there parameters around what the money will fund?

We aim to fund projects that:

  • Creative or innovative solutions to real problems for school communities.
  • Positive impact on the students who need it the most with a clear vision for how to break historical patterns of inequity in our school communities.
  • Co-creation and development of the idea and approach with the students, community, and stakeholders of the school and a mechanism for ensuring ongoing co-creation efforts for the duration of the grant.
  • Collaboration across schools, with community partners, and with DPS departments.
  • Preparedness and capacity to bring the idea to fruition.
  • Articulation of impact potential.
  • Leverage of knowledge of innovative strategies implemented in DPS or other large urban school districts.
  • Preference will be given to schools that have been in operation for 3 years or more.

How can I apply?

Please carefully read the criteria and details before filling out the intent to apply. The intent to apply deadline has been extended to February 28 at 5 p.m.

  • January 24: Application Process Opens
  • February 28: Intent to apply due
  • March 13: Full application released, invites to design intensive (a workshop to help develop ideas and begin building the application) distributed
  • TBD: Design intensive dates
  • April 24: Complete grant applications due
  • May 15: Grantees announced. Calendar of grantee support activities distributed
  • July 1: Grant period begins

How are the grant recipients determined?

The intent to apply and full applications will be reviewed by a selection committee. The selection process will be guided by a rubric, and support will be provided by an advisory committee comprised of DPS staff.

Who is part of the selection committee?

Applications to participate in the selection committee will be open to the community. Please check back for more information soon, or email grants@dpsfoundation.org to express interest in participating.

Is there a limit to what the money can go towards?

We will not fund the following:

  • Applicants who are applying independently and who are NOT directly affiliated with a DPS school as students, teachers, families, community leaders, or school leadership. Applications that include partner organizations and DPS departmental support, however, are encouraged. All DPS schools, including district-run, charter, and innovation schools are eligible. Preference will be given to schools that have been in operation for 3 years or more.
  • Programs/projects that have been completed or are currently covered under your school budget, such as basic costs for instruction.
  • Snacks and meals (unless a critical component of the creative solution or innovation).
  • Sponsorship of school fundraising events (table purchases, centerpieces, etc.).
  • School parties, one-time events (unless included as a strategic component of the creative solution or innovation).
  • Re-granting to another program in a school.
  • Advocacy and lobbying activities.

What if I have a question that isn’t answered here?

Please email your questions to grants@dpsfoundation.org with the subject line “$1 Million Fund”.