Support Emerging Needs
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, DPS Foundation has been working closely with the district to ensure that the needs of our community are continuously assessed and that we have the ability to support emerging needs as they arise due to the current situation. Donations to this fund currently support school supplies and specifically technology, including hotspots and internet access. As new needs continue to arise for virtual learning, we will work closely with the district to deploy funds to high need areas to support our students and educators.
Our Food Security Fund Campaign was a great success, and the fund was officially closed in August of 2020. All donations noted for Food Security will automatically support COVID-19 Emerging Needs. If you have questions, please email us at
At the DPS Foundation, we are proud to support DPS by ensuring that 95 cents of every dollar donated to the COVID-19 Emerging Needs Fund goes directly to supporting students and schools. The remaining five cents are allocated at the discretion of the DPS Foundation and may include supporting projects such as the $1 Million Fund and other programs led by the DPS Foundation.
Denver, Colorado 80203-7301
p: (720) 423-3553
f: (720) 423-3968