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Janus Capital Group and Ping Identity Honored as Outstanding School Partners

By The DPS Foundation
April 25, 2016


Two outstanding businesses are recognized for their amazing support at the 14th Annual Achieve Gala.

The School Partners Program, a collaboration between DPS Foundation, Mile High United Way, and Denver Public Schools, creates meaningful partnerships between Denver’s community and DPS schools. Through this unique program, local businesses and community organizations, big and small, team up with specific DPS schools. School Partners provide a combination of volunteer time, in-kind contributions and financial resources to meet the specific needs of their partner school.

For the third year, the DPS Foundation and Mile High United Way recognized two outstanding businesses for their work in supporting their DPS partner schools.
Janus and Ping Identity receive their School Partners Awards.

The winning companies were recognized on April 21, at the Achieve Gala 2016, the DPS Foundation’s annual fundraiser. Each business received a $500 grant to benefit their partner school as well as a crystal award presented to them by Governor Hickenlooper, Mile High United Way President & CEO Christine Benero, and DPS Foundation President & CEO Veronica Figoli.

Legacy Partner of the Year: Janus Capital Group

Awarded to a business with an overall, robust partnership with a DPS School

Janus-smallJanus models the way as a corporate partner in Denver Public Schools. In addition to being DPS’ most generous corporate donor to date, Janus was the first business to pilot online tutoring via TutorMate with the School Partners Program. Janus’ employee engagement was the catalyst for growing TutorMate in DPS, which started with 5 pilot classrooms in 2012 to nearly 50 this school year and 23 businesses participating. Janus employees are deeply committed to DPS, including CEO Dick Weil, who reads weekly with first-grader Abdalla from Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy, donating more than 275 hours of volunteer time this school year. Janus also supports schools by hosting supply drives and providing resources for students who are experiencing homelessness. Congrats Janus Capital Group!

Small Business Partner of the Year: Ping Identity

Awarded to a business that has less than 100 employees in the Denver metro area and has a robust partnership with a DPS School

Ping-smallPing Identity has partnered with DPS’ CareerConnect for two years by supporting STEM education through work-based learning. Ping Identity has hosted multiple job shadow opportunities as well as provided 17 mentors for DPS students exploring careers in technology. Students reported an increased awareness of careers in technology thanks to this partnership. Employees are actively engaged with Abraham Lincoln High School and High Tech Early College, giving 220 hours of volunteer time this school year. Congrats Ping Identity!

Each of the more than 83 DPS school partners are making an impact on schools and students every single day! Thank you and congrats to all of our School Partners Awards nominees!

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