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Donor Spotlight: Mary Brauer, donor since 2009

By dpsfdev
August 9, 2018

“Education is the foundation of everything we hope for the future. This is not a controversial statement. Education deserves much more support than what public financing and government funding can support.” Mary initially got involved with the DPS Foundation in 2009 when she did some legal work with DPS. “I was immediately impressed with the people I met and their level of forward-thinking. Everyone believed in the mission and you could tell DPS was a cutting-edge organization. I wanted to help in a way to drive public education forward.”

In her nearly 15 years as a DPS Foundation donor, Mary has also been able to engage with the students whom her dollars help to support, further bringing “everything to life.” She visited afterschool programs where Mary met with students and educators alike, with one interaction really standing out to her. “I remember speaking with a lady who worked in the cafeteria. She said that she sees the students as her own kids. It was so touching to hear how every level of educator truly cares for the students. I’ll never forget it.”

Encouraging others to support DPS Foundation in whatever way they’re able, Mary said, “Education is important to the economy and really touches the entire community. It is helpful for kids to figure out where they’re headed in life, while also getting the future workforce set with the skills that employers are seeking. Personally, I wanted to make the most substantive investment for the future that I could, and the DPS Foundation is it.”  Thank you, Mary, for helping us to be a catalyst for change in DPS.

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