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DPS Foundation Announces Fall A to Z Fund Grant Awards, with the Most Applicants Ever in a Single Cycle!

By dpsfdev
October 26, 2017

The A to Z Fund provides grants to individual schools for programs and activities that go beyond schools’ limited budgets. Through this program, the DPS Foundation provides support for educational materials, athletic equipment, enrichment classes, competition fees, field trip expenses and more. In this fall cycle, we awarded nearly $112,000 to 80 schools and also saw the most applicants EVER for one cycle!

The impact these funds have on enhancing education and opportunities for students is invaluable. “This opportunity opens students’ eyes to new possibilities that many of them won’t have access to without the funding from the grant. As a majority of first generation college students, exposure to college campuses is one of the leading indicators of applications and enrollments for a post-secondary education. Through getting our students to visit college campuses, we hope to foster a college-going culture full of excitement and possibility.” – grant recipient Chelsea Ammons, Post-Secondary Coach, Collegiate Prep Academy

See some examples of what the grants made possible for schools this fall:

  • DCIS at Ford ES received $500 to purchase equipment such as tricycles, traffic signs and helmets to enhance gross motor development for ECE students
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. HS received $2,000 to purchase additional DSLR cameras to supplement the digital photography class
  • Maxwell ES received $1,600 for students to participate in weekly Young Rembrandts drawing class
  • North High School Engagement Center received $2,000 to purchase science equipment so students can perform science experiments
  • Watch this video to see the impact first hand.

Interested in learning more about A to Z Fund? Click here. To help support the growing need for classroom funding, click here.

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