What is the Board of Education?

The DPS Board of Education is an elected body of seven members and a superintendent, whom the board appoints to set the vision for the district and oversee its daily operations. The work of the board is to establish policies and procedures for DPS in compliance with state law. The board members serve terms of four years, which are staggered in a way so that no more than four members are elected in any one election. Elections are bi-annual and in odd-numbered years.

What does the Board of Education do? 

School boards apply state and federal education laws to individual districts and set and enforce local school policies. Their primary tasks include:

  • Selecting and evaluating the superintendent
  • Setting curriculum standards and guidelines
  • Creating goals for school performance and managing a portfolio of schools
  • Setting and overseeing budget and spending for a district
Read more about the Denver Board of Education, including their Vision and Core Beliefs Framework, on their website.
How does the Board of Education impact my neighborhood school?
Refer back to the list of criteria above. The Board of Education makes important decisions about the content taught in classrooms, the future and structure of schools based on their performance, the budget for the district and many other deciding factors that impact YOUR neighborhood school.
Whether you have kids in DPS or not – these decisions impact you. The performance of your neighborhood school impacts the value of your home. Inform yourself about the election, the candidates, the issues, your neighborhood schools and vote by November 1.