Please join us in welcoming Otten Johnson, RevGen Partners and Barnes and Noble, as new School Partners this fall!

 Otten Johnson, a leading commercial law firm in Colorado, is partnering with Dora Moore K-8. The firm has already completed a school supply drive and is currently collecting warm coats and toys for the holidays for distribution to Dora Moore students.  Future plans include raising funds to help support a collaborative learning environment at the school.

revgenpartners logo

RevGen Partners is a business and technology management consulting company partnering with West Leadership Academy and West Generations Academy.  They are exploring ways to get involved and support achievement at the new West campuses.

Barnes and Noble booksellers in downtown Denver has created a very generous partnership with several DPS schools.  Customers are asked to donate at the cashier register to a specific DPS school each month.   At the end of the month the donations will be tallied and partner schools will have an opportunity to purchase books and e-readers for their classrooms. Gilpin Montessori is the fortunate beneficiary of this program in November and December!

School Partners have a lasting and invaluable impact on the children and families in their schools. See a complete list of partners, and learn how you can join the program today!