Dear DPS Principals and staff,

At its core, it seems like a fairly simple concept: match the resources of the local business community (financial support, volunteer hours and in-kind services) with the needs in our schools. That’s the very purpose of the School Partners Program: to cultivate partnerships between DPS schools and the Denver community. And yet, as we all know, there’s more to it than that. Partnerships require intention, structure and follow-through to fully benefit all parties involved.

That’s why the DPS Foundation has taken on the challenge of strengthening and growing the School Partners Program. Step one: bring a School Partners expert on board to manage the initiative. And so… we’re pleased to introduce Nicole Capage-Brown – the DPS Foundation’s newest team member, and your resource for all things School Partners.

Nicole will oversee the School Partners Program, providing key services including:

  • Matching local businesses/organizations with schools in need of partnership.
  • Coordinating partnerships – organizing introductory meetings, site visits and establishing communications between schools and their partners.
  • Strategically managing relationships – helping schools and their partners set shared expectations to ensure fulfillment.
  • Coordinating events and partnership opportunities.
  • Stewarding relationships to maximize the benefit for your school and the recognition for your partner.

What does this mean for you? It means that you have an internal resource to help you find, manage and maximize your partnerships within the community. Partnerships require time and cultivation in order to thrive. Nicole is here to support you as you harness the energy and resources of the community to do great things for your kids and your school.

“I’m so excited to dive into this role, and to leverage the business community more fully in supporting our schools,” says Nicole. “I know the community is eager to help support and accelerate the great things happening in DPS, and there’s no question that our schools need the help. This is a critical time to grow and expand the School Partners Program, and I look forward to working with DPS staff and leadership to make that goal a reality.”

Click here for answers to school’s frequently asked questions about the School Partners Program.

Whether your school already has a thriving School Partnership or this program is news to you – please reach out to Nicole to learn more. You can reach her at or 720.423.3226. Read more about the School Partners Program on our website here. Get to know Nicole better by reading her full bio – which reflects her nine years creating and managing dynamic school partnerships – here.

Please join us in welcoming Nicole, and in setting our vision on an ever-evolving School Partners Program to better serve DPS kids and schools!


Your partners at the Denver Public Schools Foundation