How We can Genuinely Appreciate Teachers

How We can Genuinely Appreciate Teachers

May 6, 2022 This week marks Teacher Appreciation Week where districts and communities provide educators with words of encouragement, gratitude and honor for all that they do in classrooms for our young people. Indeed teachers have had a challenging job in these past...
One Final Notepad from Verónica Figoli

One Final Notepad from Verónica Figoli

“There’s so much I can say about Verónica. How kind she is, how welcoming she is. How she has this ability to not only light up a room as she walks in but yet still has a way to provide light so everyone lights up with her. She has created a special place in my heart...
No virus is stronger than our community

No virus is stronger than our community

March 12, 2021 A message from our President & CEO, Verónica Figoli On March 13, 2020 I recall the adrenaline kicking in, connecting with DPS teams and leaders in our city and trying to figure out how the basic needs of our students and families would be met during...

Standing in solidarity with our community

June 11, 2020 A message from our President & CEO, Verónica Figoli and Board Chair, Priya Burkett We are all on different learning journeys right now. As mothers of children of color, when we reflect on the injustice and continued inequity that we see in our...